Breaking the Chains

Breaking the Chains

Breaking the chains of negative behavior on the parts of others is crucial to living a life of authenticity and freedom.  I often wonder how people can treat others as if they are less than them. They cut others down in areas that threaten them and/or that the other person does well. Encouraging and uplifting others is so important. It builds people up with confidence and hope for the future. Once they are more confident, they are then more likely to look to the future with encouragement and hope for others with whom they come in contact. Why would anyone not want that for others?

Breaking the Chains

Creating the Chains

People who have torn me down at every turn have surrounded my life. In fact, there is not one part of my being that hasn’t been torn down. The way I look, speak, write, do certain tasks and even the things I enjoy have been minimized as things that are a waste of time and energy. It has broken me down in so many ways that I don’t put myself out there very much.

For the most part, the abusive people are now out of my life. Because of this, I have begun breaking the chains that have kept me from moving forward. However, I am still surrounded by the walls and protections I built around my life to keep me “safe” from the constant attacks, but now those protections hold me captive. I hold back from openly embracing so much in my life for fear of more attacks.  I have so many tape recordings and hateful comments passing through my brain that it’s hard to break free.

I realized I was breaking the chains when I took steps into leadership and teaching roles, even though doubt is still present so often in those areas. By writing this blog and sending posts out on the Internet for anyone to read, I am beginning to shine a light on who I am and from where I’ve come.Breaking the Chains

Breaking the Chains

The hardest part of breaking free is coming to terms with the fact that those chains should have never been placed there. How do people, who say they love you, behave this way and treat those in their lives with such despicable behavior? What purpose does it serve? I have heard that it helps the other person feel better about themselves by tearing down the positives of others. How does that work? I’m beginning to understand that this is something I will never understand. There is just no way I can wrap my head around the thought process that could lead someone to think this is OK.

The positive, though, is that I can move forward by looking to the One Who loves me in a way I will also never be able to totally understand this side of Heaven. His love is so vast. He cheers for me louder than any crowd at an NFL game and He speaks to me gently to guide and protect me. I can also take His words and meditate on them. Hopefully, this will make it possible to someday come to a point where I will no longer hear the hateful words. God’s love can do this and I, with His help, can hopefully make this happen.

~ Joanna Lynn

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