Make Today Awesome

“Make today so awesome, yesterday gets jealous.”

(I couldn’t find who’s quote this was, but I love it.)

Make Today Awesome

Make Today Awesome

  1. Every day is a chance for a new beginning. Make today awesome.  The past or current issues may be brought into the day, but, if they do, make it a point to put them to prayer and/or find a resolution or way to move away from them.
  2. Steven Curtis Chapman has a song called “Miracle of the Moment” that is describes taking an active part in the here and now in a great way. It’s all about letting go of the “if onlys” and breathing in the wonder of the day in front of you and all it has to offer.
  3. Make today awesome for those you don’t even know.  There are so many possibilities awaiting you in your day. You have so many choices in how you will approach it and those with whom you come in contact. What choice you make matters and it impacts not only you, but also the others you have encountered in your day.
  4. I went to a CVS today because I have a terrible cold and I needed some cough drops. When I entered the store, I passed an employee who smiled and said hello. Not five steps later another employee stocking shelves greeted me and asked if there was anything he could help me find. When I went to the cash register, this same man was there. He looked each of his customers in the eye, smiled and wished us a good day in some way. He was the store manager. I walked out thinking how wonderful he must be to work for. He had no problem doing the work his employees could easily do and he did it with grace. It made a huge impression on me. I would guess it made an impression on others as well.
  5. Approach what happens today with a positive outlook. Even if you are in a rough period of time, try to find one thing to be happy about. I’ve mentioned before when I posted 365 things that made me happy during one year. Some of those days were so tough to find anything, and there were days I didn’t post anything, but I would always catch up in the next day or two. It really made a difference in my outlook.
  6. When you have lived in abuse or hard times, you have a choice to make: Will you allow fear and pain from what has been said or done to you rule your future or will you do everything in your power to seek help and support to step away from it all? I have discovered that even though my recovery has been really long, I am moving forward and, in the process, I have been able to speak truth and support into others’ lives. If I had chosen to live in the abuse or even the aftermath of the abuse, I wouldn’t accomplish much and I could only commiserate with others and not speak into their lives in a positive way.
  7. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do or accomplish? You can do something to work towards it today. It may take a lot of time to finally achieve, but, as the old adage says, there is no better time than the present to start.
  8. Do something that scares you. Step out of your comfort zone. One of my friends has had a year of stepping out of her comfort zone and she says it has been an amazing year. She is at a place now she knows she wouldn’t have been in if she hadn’t. It’s been amazing watching her take these steps. She’s happier. She started by taking a step. Just one.
  9. Really…just smile and you’ll understand.
  10. Make today awesome for your loved ones.  Send your kids, friends, spouse or someone special a text out of the blue to tell them something special about them. I’ve started to do this some with my kids and their response is funny but I also see how it affects them. To lift someone up for seemingly no reason is one of the best gifts you can give.

~ Joanna Lynn

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