Quiet Week

Quiet Week

Hi!  Welcome again to another week of getting together.  Come on in. It’s been a quiet week. It is actually pretty outside and not too cold (in the 50’s) but it’s a bit too chilly to sit outside for long.  It’s been that kind of week with the temperatures going from 70 to 32 over night!  Anyway, grab what you’d like to drink and I have chips, Oreos or peanut butter and chocolate cupcakes my oldest requested to offer.

Quiet Week

My mom was at my brother’s for most of the week, so I had the house to myself during the day for four days.  That is not something that happens very often.  I took the time to just be quiet, write, watch a few movies and get some work done around the house.  I did a lot of thinking, too.  I don’t think I came anywhere close to solving any of the world’s problems, or mine, but it was a nice change.  When everyone made it back home, I was a bit calmer and more relaxed.  I guess I had mini-vacations through the week.  Everyone needs this kind of time once in a while.

I was greatly anticipating the new series, “24: Legacy”.  I watched the first two episodes and was pleasantly surprised that the story plot has kept true to the original series.  I really liked it.  Now, to fully understand why this was worthy enough for me to write about it, you have to know that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the original series of “24”.  I love Jack Bauer and Chloe and the rest of the cast along with the phenomenal storylines and acting.  Anyone who knows me well knows this about me (and now you do).  I was thrilled they gave a nod to the original series by mentioning one of my favorite characters and at least one of the original cast members will make an appearance or a cameo.  I’d love to see Kiefer Sutherland back at least once, but he’s the President of the United States now (Designated Survivor), so I understand.

A funny story about “24” – when the one I loved was in the hospital after being hit and then ran over by a semi, he was in surgery one night and I was sitting in the waiting room watching “24”.   His parents were on the other side of the room watching “7th Heaven”.  When a couple of visitors came, they made a comment about how very different our choices were.  I laughed and said there were already four deaths on what I was watching.  I’d gotten into the habit of counting the number of people who were killed during an episode.  There were a few episodes where there were too many to count.  I didn’t like the show because of the killings, but I loved the action, the plot and the main characters were ultimately fighting for good, so the killings were understandable (or at least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it).

On the way to church this morning, my turn signal wouldn’t turn off, so I tried adjusting the lever.  The turn signal turned off, but then my wipers went on…and will not go off!  Can you imagine driving along with your windshield wipers constantly squeaking the entire time you are going somewhere?  Really!  Stop and think about it.  It is irritating beyond belief!  Then, take into account that it is completely sunny outside, so I get the added bonus of looking completely ridiculous, I’m sure.  Now I have windshield wipers on, with the incessant squeaking that goes along with it, and no turn signals.  So, off to the dealership I will go tomorrow to get a car to use until they can get it fixed. Sigh!  The coming week will not be a quiet week starting with my squeaky trip to the dealership.

Well, that’s been my week.  Before we leave, I want to tell you that I pray you have someone in your life who tells you how amazing you are and that you can take it to heart.  I also hope you do the same for someone else.

~ Joanna Lynn

(Weekend Coffee Share is part of Diana’s blog.  Stop by and read her blog and spend some time with other bloggers, too.)

8 thoughts on “Quiet Week

  1. I love 24 as well and just watched the first 3 episodes… was pleasantly surprised as well!
    Oh, I would go nuts with the windshield wipers squeaking constantly! Hope all is fixed now (should be, it’s already Thursday… I’m a “tad” late in catching up!)

  2. It sounded like a flock of birds were stuck in my engine! It is fixed, though! Such a relief. I’m hoping 24 stays this good. I love “meeting” another 24 fan. Most of my friends look at me like I’m nuts when I talked about it!

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