The Play

The Play

Hi!  Thanks for joining me to chat a bit.  I would offer you something, but at this minute I am waiting for my oldest to finish cleanup from the play he was in.  So all there is to offer is water from a drinking fountain or something from the vending machines full of water, pop, snacks and Blue Bunny ice cream.  So, here’s some money to buy yourself something, then come back and chat for a bit.

The Play

As I mentioned above, we just finished watching my oldest in his last non-musical play (though there is still the Spring musical) of his high school career.  The play was “The Curious Savage”  I’d never heard about it before, but it was good.  He did an amazing job.  They all did.  He is at his happiest when he is being creative.  (I only hope my youngest is still alive after we’re done waiting because he is driving me crazy – waiting is not his gift).

After he is done with the play, we are heading over to see my niece and her husband (my nephew) who have come back to the states for a short amount of time from Belgium.  I can’t wait to see them.  Tomorrow I get time with my niece during the day.  I’m not sure what we’ll do, but I know there’ll be a lot of talking and laughter.

This past week was really busy but I was so tired and didn’t feel well.  I tried a netipot and then remembered (bad time to remember) that every time I use saline to decongest my nose, I get sick.  I get a really bad cold.  I know, that’s the exact opposite of what it’s supposed to do, but I’ve always been special that way.

The Play

I was upset the most because I had to cancel/reschedule lunch with a couple of friends, but I didn’t want to take the chance of getting them sick.  I was, however, able to go to breakfast with my Bible study ladies before the cold got bad.  It was fun.  When I told one lady I was getting a gooey bun (we were at LePeep), she said, “They make my teeth hurt and they aren’t even real.”  It took me a minute and then we both laughed.  They are awesome ladies.

So, how has your week been?  Were you able to get together with friends?  I hope you were feeling well.  Thanks for taking the time to stop by.

~ Joanna Lynn

(Weekend Coffee Share is part of Diana’s blog.  Stop by to check out Diana’s blog and spend some time with other bloggers.

8 thoughts on “The Play

  1. Hi Joanna,
    I loved reading about your son and his love of the creative arts. My daughter is 10 and she’s in rehearsals for School Spectacular. I wrote about it in my coffee post. Last she also got an audition for the the Sydney production of the Sound of Music. She didn’t get a call back but it was great to be a part of it. We didn’t go to see it and saw Matilda the Musical instead, which we loved.
    My daughter does dancing and auditioned for dance team at the dance school yesterday. She had to dance for a minute and sing for a minute. I thought she might get nervous and it turned out that she had a party on beforehand. I stayed at the party with her and there were a few friends there, so that was my socialising for the weekend. Anyway, we get to the end of the party and then it’s “I’m not auditioning” and it went downhill from there. Fortunately, my husband was home, which means I had a chance of getting her there. It’s very hard to pry Miss Limpet out of her room when she doesn’t want to budge. I knew she badly wanted to get in and it was all too much so I told her she was going no matter what. The dance people are lovely and they know how she’s going and they just hold the auditions to give the kids the experience. So, I knew they would ease her through it. Well, the poor thing was shaking, almost being sick and couldn’t speak apparently but she got through it. Got a call back.
    I Love all of this but when you go through such depths with nerves and stress, I do wonder. I did something similar with my violin exam a few years ago. It was only Preliminary but I did get my A.
    Hope you have a great week and thanks for coffee!
    xx Rowena

  2. Yeah, I think our two kids are very similar in their performing interests. I love reading about your family and how you, no matter the physical issues, go out there and live and dance despite what your body is trying to tell you! You rock!

  3. Thanks very much, Joanna.
    The rock cracked yesterday. I accidentally took two days of tablets by mistake and it threw me a bit. Realised I need to try to slow down a bit. Not easy with School Spectacular coming up. Take care xx Rowena

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