
“Don’t ever let someone dull your sparkle.”

~ Anonymous


Sparkle Like the Gem You Are

  1. I love this quote because one of the common uses of the word sparkle is to describe a precious stone that sparkles in the light. You are a precious gem. You’re priceless. 
  2. One of the abuser’s forms of control is to verbally abuse those they are seeking to control by intentionally hurting or being cruel to them.  This is done with the intention of reducing their victim’s self-worth and accomplishments.  The goal is to convince their victim to not stand up for themselves and make them feel they can’t live life on their own. Abuser’s don’t speak truth.
  3. You are a masterpiece. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago. (NLT)” A masterpiece is defined as a perfect example of skill or excellence. You are excellence by His making.  
  4. God created all of us to be uniquely who He made us to be. Psalm 139:13-14 tells us, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well. (ESV)” You were created to be exactly who you are.
  5. Even identical twins were created to be different. According to The Tech, their fingerprints are more similar than with other people but there are minor differences that specialists can see. According to Scientific America , their genes may be identical at birth but they often change through environmental differences and choices. However, many identical twins are born with differences in their genomes (genetic instructions) from birth.
  6. No matter what anyone has told you, you are special.
  7. Whatever situation you are in, you have a choice to keep believing the horrible things your abusers say to you or you can fight them by telling yourself they’re wrong and replacing what they say with Truth. (Please understand that I’m not stating to go against your abuser if you are in physical danger. If you’re in physical danger, you need to find a person or a place you can trust to help you get to safety).
  8. Live your life with hope.  Even when times are beyond dark, you have to find something to hold on to, knowing that no matter how bleak it looks, it cannot stay this way forever.  Living without hope will definitely take away your sparkle.
  9. Don’t ever try to be like those around you. Be authentic. You will never know yourself fully if you pretend to be like someone else.
  10. Never allow someone to pressure you into doing anything.   Prayerfully consider the activities you become involved with and the things you do.  To do something you don’t feel comfortable doing will take you down a path away from authenticity.

You were made to shine.  Sparkle like the precious gem you are!

~ Joanna Lynn


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